Friday, March 12, 2010

Little Hands, Foul Moods, and Runny Noses 3: Research for Kid-Friendly Social Gaming Experiences

Yesterday I gave the third Little Hands, Foul Moods, and Runny Noses talk at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. This year's focus was social gaming. The slides are available now. Slides from past presentations are available.

As always, give a yell if you want to talk about them more or have any questions. Thanks again to all who made it out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a very inspiring talk at GDC. I came out of it feeling very enthusiastic (and a lot less guilty) about creating games geared specifically for young children.
    Thanks also for posting slides from this talk as well as from previous years since I've missed the last couple years of GDC
